Cooling tank for milk is also known as bulk tanks. Milk cooling tanks are is a storage to keep the mink in cold temperature and cool them until the milk is delivered. These cooling tanks are indispensable equipment for dairy farms and milk producers. It is made of stainless steel and there are two version of cooling tank for milk which is horizontal and vertical. It can be either property of the milk farm or rented from somewhere. In any case, it should be cleaned after every use of it. The temperature that milk should be keep is 3 to 4-degree C.
Characteristics of Milk Cooling Tanks
Cooling tank for milk is also known as bulk milk coolers. These tanks’ inner and outer matter is stainless steel and the stainless steel must be high quality. Inner tank has a system of plates and pipes. In this system refrigerant fluids and gasses are situated which makes the tank cooler. There is polyurethane foam between inner and outer tank. This polyurethane foam helps the tank to keep its temperature. In this way, the tank’s temperature warm up only one degree in 24 hours even if the tank does not work. All milk cooling tanks should have a temperature inside to learn immediate temperature of the inner tank. Also, all milk cooling tanks have a control center. With control center, you can control the temperature, clean the tank, reboot the system any case of failure or stirring the milk. All cooling tanks for milk should have a washing system.
In the las decades, the cooling tanks are equipped with monitoring and alarm system but not all of them. In the future, probably most of them will have an alarm system. In addition to these, these tanks have 4, 6 or 8 legs and most of these legs are adjustable and make the tank stands by a water level. Thus, the milk inside the tank can be drained every drop of it. The cleaning system of these tanks can use hot and cold water to wash. Also, it sprays and pumps a cleaning fluid made from acid or alkaline and washes the inner tank after using every time. In this way, the bulk tank become more hygienically. Besides all of these, every tank should have at least one agitator which makes the milk stirred and cool the milk rapidly. Because the milk content inside the tank should be refrigerated equally.