We need to start with this question “What is homogenized Milk?”. Homogenization is the process of disruption of the heavy molecules in the milk to smaller ones, so they stay integrated with the milk cream. And also there is so much benefits of Milk cream homogenization. When we compare with the regular milk, opacity of milk will change and by this means homogenized milk has a whiter color. Because of homogenization it has better stability of cultured milk products, much tastier and better mouth feel than the regular milk, reduced sensitivity to fat oxidation. Because of homogenization breaking down the heavy molecules, milk will be a digestible for our body. When we look at the clinical research and scientifically facts, the homogenization has no harm to people health . Because in this process, milk will be stable and it will not included any additive agents, the whole process is disruption of the heavy molecules to smaller ones.
Milk Cream Homogenizer Machine
Milk cream homogenizer machine consists of a 3 cylinder piston pump and homogenizing valve and the pump is turned by electric motor connects through connecting rods and crankshaft. And the basic mechanism of the homogenizer machine is: the unhomogenised milk enters the pump block and pressured by piston pump and the milk forced through a narrow gap. And after that in the narrow gap, fat molecules are split and milk can be homogenized. Also homogenization took 10-15 microseconds approximately, during this time all of the pressure energy delivered by piston pump is converted to a kinetic energy.
Milk Homogenizer Equipments
Milk Cream Homogenizer might be equipped with one or two connector. Which means homogenization provides one or two stages. One connector may be used to homogenization of products with the fat content to request for better viscosity. Two connector mostly equipped to reach the optimal homogenization results. And the equipments of the Milk Homogenizer is : crankier, pistons, pump blocks, homogenization area first stage, homogenization area second stage and the main drive motor.
Types of Homogenizer
There are 3 types of homogenizer in these days and all of them made by stainless steel: There is a “manual operating homogenizer” which includes two stages of homogenizing system with the manual pressure adjustment is easy to use. Manual operating homogenizers are budget friendly. There is a “hydraulic operating homogenizer” is developed to adjust the homogenizer pressure and it is easy to upgrade to remote control system. Pneumatic operating homogenizer is developed with the pneumatic control system.