Milk Bulk Tanks

After milking, it is transferred from milking machines to milk bulk tanks in order not to lose the beneficial bacteria it contains. These tanks are available in two types, horizontal and vertical. Milk tanks are usually made of stainless steel. There are open or closed types of tanks. The capacities of open tanks range from 150 liters to 3000 liters. The capacities of closed tanks vary between 1000 liters and 10000 liters. The costs of tanks vary depending on their capacity and whether they are zero or not. The capacity of milk silos is more than 10000 liters. Milk silos are suitable for very large producers.

Tank Construction
The milk bulk tank, also known as milk cooling tank, has two stainless steel shells. Between the inner shell and the outer shell, there is insulation material. This insulating material is polyurethane foam. Thanks to this isolation, it can store the milk in the tank at 30 degrees outside temperature in 1 degree for 24 hours. In order to cool the milk in the tank as soon as possible, there is a mixer inside the tank. By mixing the milk with the help of the mixer, it is ensured that all milk in the tank is at the same temperature. Another task of the mixer in the tank is to ensure that the milk remains homogeneous. All closed milk bulk tanks have a valve cover. The reason for the presence of this cover is to ensure the cleanliness and control of the inner tank. There are also two or three small holes on the tanks. One of these holes is used for ventilation. Other holes can be used to pump milk into the tank. The milk tanks have 4, 6 or 8 adjustable legs. In addition, thanks to the inclination in the milk tanks, all the milk in the tank is pumped.

At the bottom of the tanks, there is a valve consisting of gears. In addition, all milk bulk tanks are equipped with a thermometer for instant control of the milk temperature. Most milk tanks have systems to automatically clean themselves. These systems automatically clean the tank every time the tank is empty. The following elements are used during the cleaning process: hot water, cold water, acidic or alkaline cleaner, pump and spray pipe. In addition to these features, almost all milk bulk tanks have a control panel. Through these control panels, operators can perform temperature control, start stirrin or start tank cleaning.