The milk storage tank is the tank in which the unprocessed milk is waited for the factories to come and get, and in which, latterly, the processed milk is kept. The milk storage tanks serve a crucial way in making of the packaged milk. The milk storage tanks keep the milk at a certain temperature that the milk needs to be sent to the process are. Similarly, the stage where the processed milk is held to be applied to further processes requires a milk storage tank. The storage of the milk that has just came out of the udder of the cow is an important issue because, if this milk is contaminated it is going to be rejected by the drivers of the milk transport tanks, who are able to grade milks. To prevent this from happening, the natural milk is stored in vats or silos, which are refrigerated storage places. Milk on the farm is generally kept at thirty-nine degrees Fahrenheit or even at a lower degree. This storage are done for more than forty eight hours. the vats and silos are meant to make sure that the milk is cold all this time and the milk fat does not leave the milk meanwhile. If the milk transport drivers approve that the samples from the milk storage tank is okay to be processed at the factory, the milk is transported right to the milk transport tanks.
How Is The Storage Of The Pasteurized Milk Done?
The natural raw milk is stored in milk storage tanks. Later, this milk is transported to the milk processing area. Here, the milk is purified, homogenized after it is pasteurized. When the milk is pasteurized before the homogenization occurs. The pasteurization of the milk is done at certain amount of degrees and for a amount of time. After the milk is pasteurized, held heatedly in storage, the pasteurized milk is ready to be stored at up to four hours at room temperature if it is not going to be processed furtherly. After the pasteurization, the milk is not stored anymore in any milk storage tank or any milk storage tank. It is now time to be stored at the milk products selling shops.