Cheese Processing Plant

An area of 1000 m² can produce more than 14 tonnes of cheese per day (90 tonnes per week) for the local and export markets (approx. 8 kg per week) – 10,000-11,000 cheeses. The factory also produces local specialty Danish cheese, known as Fætter Kras. According to Svend Anderson, Milk Production Manager: “The real problem was the blockage in the pickled cheese. Therefore, it was decided to establish a new business. This state-of-the-art installation is designed to significantly reduce energy waste and water resources, as waste water treatment is currently one of the main costs in industrial enterprises. The new technology now saves 10% to 15% of annual water treatment costs, estimated at 700,000 kroon. The facility was built and equipped at a cost of around SEK 100 million. The factory-used APV cheese processing plant system is designed for automatic standardization of oil. The protein was then standardized in raw milk using ultrafiltration (UF) to obtain a uniform protein content. Some factory-produced cheeses such as blue mold and white cheese also require an additional milk homogenization process. For these cheeses, the homogenization of milk makes the final cheese look more pale and makes the oil more susceptible to fat breakdown by lipase enzymes that contribute to its characteristic tastes.

Production Of White Cheese
The amount of sour dough is about 0.5 to 2.0% of the milk volume, depending on the type of cheese produced. At this stage, raw milk can be acidified to affect its taste, ripening and texture. The cottage cheese is dispensed using an automatic dispenser before it is pre-pressed into a cheese pie and the remaining whey is discharged. The plant also uses the new APV to produce white cheese. It is an automatic pouring and molding machine developed to produce small cheeses (semi-solid and semi-soft). For semi-hard cheeses, cheese processing equipment plant has a vibrating filter to drain the whey from the whey before molding and processing a single cheese. Production can be significantly increased by using this equipment. Cheese pressing, brine, ripening and storage the cheese processing plant system was developed in a closed tunnel with cylinders around the concept of pressed cheese. Cheese molds are conveyed via an output conveyor to the discharge mold where the blocks are sent to the cheese scale. In addition, APV provided a salt water mixing and processing plant, a pasteurizer and a complete on-site treatment (CIP) plant. The company manufactures various hard and semi-hard cheeses ranging from six weeks to 40 weeks to absorb various flavors and characteristics. Flavors like cumin are also found in some varieties of cheese processing plant.